vAtom Technology to Welcome Digital Era

Virtual world growth rapidly and it triggers various virtual products. It will be incomplete without any virtual currency. The good news is that you have a chance to use such kind virtual currency. This currency is known as smart object or vAtoms. In the future, you are able to use crypto currency to buy anything. There will be no more complicatedness caused by traditional trading. Everything will be done faster and easier. All elements can use this smart object whether you are developers, brands, and users. Don’t worry because this technology has been developed for 2 years and it will be launched soon. It hopes that later, vAtoms token technology can be used for all aspects especially for digital marketing and industry. Let say, this technology is good for digital gaming market. Just imagine that digital users are trade and exchange as well as transact along with virtual objects.

It is also considered as a good prospect for in game goods, digital cards, art, digital music, digital books, and everything related to products which you sell digitally. BLOCKv is the shared UI layer for the next generation decentralized economy which focusing on the development vAtoms to support easy and fast digital transactions. This project has been developed since 2016 from a specific platform. There was a vAtom demo for iOS mobile app in 2016. Their team is trying to develop it well and with strong commitment, this product will be launched soon. Seeing a significant progress and prospect, this project was shared to the developers. Those are including iOS, web, and android developers so they can really feel the benefits of using vAtom to support their digital or virtual activity. The sharing got great response from developers. Finally, this company develops sophisticated technology such as ETH smart contract to start the pre sale. The project will be continued in 2018 along with several programs. Those are including launching the V1 platform for developers and vAtoms publishers and V2 platform along with specific components. The components are service locator, state management system, cycler’s framework, and code hub.

The contract itself is built with specific system known as ERC20 token standard. By using this standard, all people who are attracted to see this Vatoms technology can do it easily. There will be expert team which helps you from the beginning up to the usage of the vAtoms. It is also welcomed for stakeholders who want to invest their money in this digital technology. Just remember, digital activity is increased significantly including digital trading activity. There is still no simple digital trading activity from the easy to use and safety aspects. BLOCKv technology is coming with a brilliant solution. As the result, people who are doing digital activities including digital trading can done it easily, faster, and safer. Related to this fact, vAtoms technology can be a great and beneficial investment for investors or stakeholders. The complete information including about the way to join this project can be learned from their official website. This is the time to prepare a way to the digital era in which everything can be done virtually or digitally including trading transaction.

  • Reeve Collins, CEO
  • Gunther Thiel, CTO
  • Lukas Fluri, COO
  • Craig Sellars, Blockchain Architect
  • Brock pierce, Co-founder of, Blockchain Capital and Chairman of the Bitcoin Foundation
  • Walter Kortschak, Exec Chairman, SignalFire. Sr Advisor, Summit Partners. Principal, End Cue. Caltech Trustee.
  • Peter Diamandis, Co-founder/VICE-CHAIRMAN at Human Longevity, Inc
  • Xin Chung, Founder at Sofa Social
  • Jeff Holden, Chief Product Officer at Uber Technologies
  • Emmanuel Seuge, Founder at CASSIUS. Family
  • Sam Englebarot, Managing Director at Galaxy Investment Partners
  • Mike Costache, Founder of Blockchain Investors Consortium (BIC)
  • David Drake, Managing Partner at LDJ LP Fund Investments
  • Joe Polish, Founder, Genius Network and Piranha Marketing, Co-founder of 10XTalk and I Love Marketing
  • Alex Lightman, CEO at Millennium Energy Corporation (OTC Markets: MENC)
  • Richard Titus, CEO, Senior Advisor and Coach at Andronik Ltd
  • Gil Penchina, Partner @Ridge, Crypto Investor and Founder, 4x Entrepreneur, 100x Angel, 5x Unicorns
For detailed Team Members descriptions please check out: BLOCKv Team or Join Telegram to communicate with #VEE team!


  1. Start the BLOCKv platform development

  2. First demo vAtoms on BTC blockchain and public launch of an iOS mobile app for demonstration

  3. - Availability of BLOCKv API'S and documentation for developers and publisher (to a closed group of developer)
    - iOS, web and Android SDK's for wallet development
    - Successful scability and performance tests

  4. Blockchain integration for ETH and first vAtom prototypes using ETH smart contract

  5. - Public launch of the BLOCKv v1 platform for developer and vAtom publishers
    - vAtom Core (vACore) incl
    - Blockchain Abstractor & Hybrid Integration Engine (vAChain)
    - vAtom Identity Management System (vAIMS)
    - API's and SDKs and core samples for the community

  6. - Availability of the BLOCKv platform v2 with the following additional components
    - vAtom Service Locator (vASL)
    - vAtom State Management System (vASMS)
    - vAtom Cycler's Framework (vACF)
    - vAtom Code Hub (vAHub)

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